Parish Roll & Planned Giving Programme
Welcome to our visitors and new parishioners. If you would like to be part of the Planned Giving Programme, please feel free to complete this form and place it in the collection basket or leave it at the parish office.
Any questions or comments please contact the parish office.
Online Donation:
Account name: Bishop of Auckland, Hillsborough
BNZ A/C 02-0108-0707833-000
Particulars: Your Complete Name
Reference: Offering
Code: Complete Name

Parish Contact Details
Samuel Pulanco | Parish Priest
Rey Grafia | Office Admin
P: 09 624 3440 | M: 021 654 146 (Presbytery)
E: | W:
Facebook: St John Vianney, Hillsborough

We kindly remind everyone to remain vigilant and protect your personal information, especially sensitive details like bank account numbers, passwords, or identification details.
The parish will never ask for your personal financial information or request such details via email, phone, or text message.
If you receive any suspicious communication or requests for information, please report it immediately to the parish office.
Make an enquiry
Interested in joining our parish? Thinking of becoming Catholic?
Send us a message. Contact our Parish Office.
Parish Secretary
P: 09 624-3440 | E:
317 Hillsborough Road, Hillsborough, Auckland 1042